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(2020) Lengua y Tecnología: una Plataforma Colaborativa para la Enseñanza-Aprendizaje de Variedades del Español (pags 771 - 783)
- Investigación e Innovación Educativa. Tendencias y Retos - ISBN: 9788413245904
- Díaz-Bravo, Rocío / Acid-Carrillo, Silvia / Fernández-Luna, Juan Manuel
(2015) Variable Elimination for Interval Valued-Influence Diagrams (pags 541 - 551) - Ecsqaru 2015: Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty - ISBN: 978-3-319-20806-0
- Cabañas, Rafael / Antonucci, Alessandro / Cano, Andrés / Gómez-Olmedo, Manuel
(2013) Being Confident About the Quality of the Predictions in Recommender Systems (pags 411 - 422) - Advances in Information Retrieval - ISBN: 978-3-642-36972-8
- Cleger-Tamayo, Sergio / Fernández-Luna, Juan Manuel / Huete-Guadix, Juan Francisco / Tintarev, Nava
(2013) L2Rlab: Integrated Experimenter Environment for Learning to Rank (pags 543 - 554) - Flexible Query Answering System - ISBN: 978-3-642-40768-0
- Alejo, Oscar J. / Fernández-Luna, Juan Manuel / Huete-Guadix, Juan Francisco / Moreno-cerrud, Eleazar
(2012) Haplotype-Based Classifiers to Predict Individual Susceptibility to Complex Diseases. An Example for Multiple Sclerosis (pags 360 - 366) - Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms - ISBN: 978-989-8425-90-4
- Abad-Grau, María Del Mar / Medina-Medina, Nuria / Masegosa, Andrés Ramón / Moral-Callejón, Serafín
(2011) Clasificación Documental (pags 359 - 392) - Recuperación de Información. un Enfoque Práctico y Multidisciplinar - ISBN: 978-84-9964-112-6
- Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De / Romero-López, Alfonso Eduardo
(2011) Recuperacion Xml (pags 419 - 456) - Recuperacion de Informacion. un Enfoque Practico y Multidisciplinar - ISBN: 978-84-9964-112-6
- Fernández-Luna, Juan Manuel / Huete-Guadix, Juan Francisco
(2010) Fast Factorisation of Probability Trees and Its Application to Recursive Trees Learning (pags 65 - 72) - Combining Soft Computing and Statistical Methods in Data Analysis - ISBN: 978-3-642-14745-6
- Cano, Andrés / Gómez-Olmedo, Manuel / Moral-Callejón, Serafín / Pérez-Ariza, Cora Beatríz / Salmerón-Cerdán, Antonio
(2009) Retrieving Medical Records Using Bayesian Networks (pags 2274 - 2280) - Medical Informatics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications - ISBN: 978-1-60566-050-9
- Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De / Fernández-Luna, Juan Manuel / Huete-Guadix, Juan Francisco
(2009) Thesaurus-Based Automatic Indexing (pags 331 - 345) - Handbook of Research on Text and Web Mining Technologies - ISBN: 978-1-59904-990-8
- Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De / Fernández-Luna, Juan Manuel / Huete-Guadix, Juan Francisco / Romero-López, Alfonso Eduardo
(2009) Plan de Acción Tutorial de la Etsiit (pags 205 - 233) - Tutoría y Atención Personal al Estudiante en la Universidad - ISBN: 978-84-975665-0-6
- Acid-Carrillo, Silvia / Bernier-Villamor, Jose Luis / Cabrera-Cuevas, Marcelino Jose / Cano, Andrés / Fernández-Luna, Juan Manuel / Gómez-Olmedo, Manuel / Gutierrez-Vela, Francisco Luis / Huete-Guadix, Juan Francisco / Hurtado-Torres, Maria Visitacion / Leon-Salas, Alejandro Jose / López-Cózar-Delgado, Ramón / Paderewski-Rodriguez, Patricia / Ramírez-Pérez De Inestrosa, Javier / Rodriguez-Alvarez, Manuel / Samos-Jimenez, Jose / Santos-Aláez, Evangelina / Artur Schmitt / Artur Schmitt
(2008) An Information Retrieval System for Parliamentary Documents (pags 203 - 223) - Bayesian Networks: a Practical Guide to Applications - ISBN: 978-0-470-06030-8
- Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De / Fernández-Luna, Juan Manuel / Huete-Guadix, Juan Francisco / Martín-Dancausa, Carlos / Romero-López, Alfonso Eduardo
(2008) Use of Explanation Trees to Describe the State Space of a Probabilistic-Based Abduction Problem (pags 251 - 280) - Innovations in Bayesian Networks
- Flores-Gallego, Maria Julia / Gámez-Martín, José Antonio / Moral-Callejón, Serafín
(2006) A Theoretical Framework for Web Categorization in Hierarchical Directories Using Bayesian Networks (pags 25 - 43) - Soft Computing in Web Information Retrieval - ISBN: 3-540-31588-8
- Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De / Fernández-Luna, Juan Manuel / Huete-Guadix, Juan Francisco
(2006) Retrieving Medical Records Using Bayesian Networks (pags 960 - 964) - Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining - ISBN: 1-59140-557-2
- Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De / Fernández-Luna, Juan Manuel / Huete-Guadix, Juan Francisco
(2005) Orientación y Tutoría en la Universidad de Granada (pags 123 - 160) - Orientación y Tutoría en la Universidad de Granada - ISBN: 84-338-3431-2
- Acid-Carrillo, Silvia / Bernier-Villamor, Jose Luis / Cabrera-Cuevas, Marcelino Jose / Cano, Andrés / Fernández-Luna, Juan Manuel / Gómez-Olmedo, Manuel / Gutierrez-Vela, Francisco Luis / Huete-Guadix, Juan Francisco / Leon-Salas, Alejandro Jose / Hurtado-Torres, Maria Visitacion / Paderewski-Rodriguez, Patricia / Rodriguez-Alvarez, Manuel / Samos-Jimenez, Jose / Santos-Aláez, Evangelina / Ramírez-Pérez De Inestrosa, Javier
(2004) A Graphical Meta-Model for Reasoning About Bayesian Network Structure (pags 201 - 216) - Advances in Bayesian Networks - ISBN: 3-540-20876-3
- Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De / Gámez-Martín, José Antonio / Puerta-Callejón, José Miguel
(2004) Fast Propagation Algorithms for Singly Connected Networks and Their Applications to Information Retrieval (pags 271 - 288) - Advances in Bayesian Networks - ISBN: 3-540-20876-3
- Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De / Fernández-Luna, Juan Manuel / Huete-Guadix, Juan Francisco
(2004) Real-World Applications of Influence Diagrams (pags 161 - 180) - Advances in Bayesian Networks - ISBN: 3-540-20876-3
- Gómez-Olmedo, Manuel
(2004) Algorithms for Approximate Probability Propagation in Bayesian Networks (pags 77 - 99) - Advances in Bayesian Networks - ISBN: 3-540-20876-3
- Cano-Utrera, Andrés / Moral-Callejón, Serafín / Salmerón-Cerdán, Antonio
(2004) Partial Abductive Inference in Bayesian Networks by Using Probability Trees (pags 146 - 154) - Enterprise Information Systems V - ISBN: 1-4020-1726-X
- Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De / Gámez-Martín, José Antonio / Moral-Callejón, Serafín
(2004) Varying Parameter in Classification Based on Imprecise Probabilities (pags 231 - 239) - Soft Methodology and Random Information Systems - ISBN: 3-540-22264-2
- Abellán-Mulero, Joaquín / Moral-Callejón, Serafín / Gómez-Olmedo, Manuel / Masegosa, Andrés Ramón
(2004) Range of Entropy for Credal Sets (pags 157 - 164) - Soft Methodology and Random Information Systems - ISBN: 3-540-22264-2
- Abellán-Mulero, Joaquín / Moral-Callejón, Serafín
(2004) Gestión de la Ictericia Neonatal (pags 73 - 94) - La Aventura de Decidir. una Aproximación Científica mediante Casos Reales. - ISBN: 84-608-0205-1
- Gómez-Olmedo, Manuel / Fernández-Del Pozo,Juan Antonio / Bielza-Lozoya, Concha / Ríos-Insua, Sixto
(2003) Two Term-Layers: An Alternative Topology for Representing Term Relationships in the Bayesian Network Retrieval Model (pags 213 - 224) - Advances in Soft Computing. Engineering Design and Manufacturing - ISBN: 1-852-33062-7
- Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De / Fernández-Luna, Juan Manuel / Huete-Guadix, Juan Francisco
(2002) On the Problem of Performing Exact Partial Abductive Inference in Bayesian Networks Using Junction Trees (pags 289 - 302) - Technologies for Constructing Intelligent Systems II - ISBN: 3-7908-1455-5
- Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De / Gámez-Martín, José Antonio / Moral-Callejón, Serafín
(2002) Stochastic Algorithms for Searching Causal Orderings in Bayesian Networks (pags 327 - 340) - Technologies for Constructing Intelligent Systems II - ISBN: 3-7908-1455-5
- Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De / Huete-Guadix, Juan Francisco
(2001) Partial Abductive Inference in Bayesian Networks: An Empirical Comparison between Gas and Edas (pags 319 - 337) - Estimation of Distribution Algorithms. a New Tool for Evolutionary Computation - ISBN: 0-7923-7466-5
- Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De / Gámez-Martín, José Antonio / Larrañaga-Múgica,Pedro / Moral-Callejón, Serafín / ROMERO-,TXOMIN
(2001) Qualitative Aggregation of Bayesian Networks (pags 91 - 108) - Data Fusion and Perception - ISBN: 3-211-83683-7
- Sagrado-Martinez, Jose Del / Moral-Callejón, Serafín
(2000) Algorithms for Imprecise Probabilities (pags 369 - 420) - Handbook of Defeasible Reasoning and Uncertainty Management Systems. Vol. 5: Algorithms - ISBN: 0-7923-6672-7
- Cano, Andrés / Moral-Callejón, Serafín
(2000) Deriving Possibility Distributions from Data Sets Using Confidence Intervals of Probabilities (pags 233 - 244) - Information, Uncertainty and Fusion
- Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De / Huete-Guadix, Juan Francisco
(2000) Independence in Uncertainty Theories and Its Applications to Learning Belief Networks (pags 391 - 434) - Abductive Reasoning and Learning, Handbook of Defeasible Reasoning and Uncertainty Management Systems
- Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De / Huete-Guadix, Juan Francisco / Moral-Callejón, Serafín
(2000) Learning Right Sized Belief Networks by Means of a Hybrid Methodology (pags 309 - 315) - Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
- Acid-Carrillo, Silvia / Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De
(2000) Sensitivity Analysis in Ictneo (pags 317 - 334) - Robust Bayesian Analysis - ISBN: 0-387-98866-1
- Bielza-Lozoya, Concha / Ríos-Insua, Sixto / Gómez-Olmedo, Manuel / Fernández-Del Pozo,Juan Antonio
(1999) Influence Diagrams for Neonatal Jaundice Management (pags 138 - 142) - Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
- Bielza-Lozoya, Concha / Ríos-Insua, Sixto / Gómez-Olmedo, Manuel
(1999) A Monte Carlo Algorithm for Combining Dempster-Shafer Belief Based on Approximate Pre-Computation (pags 305 - 315) - Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and Uncertainty. Lecture Notes in Artif. Intell. - ISBN: 3-540-66131-X
- Moral-Callejón, Serafín
(1998) Aprendizaje Automatico de Modelos Graficos I: Metodos Basicos (pags 113 - 140) - Sistemas Expertos Probabilisticos, Coleccion Ciencia y Tecnica
- Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De
(1998) Modelos Graficos para Probabilidades Imprecisas (pags 211 - 238) - Sistemas Expertos Probabilisticos, Coleccion Ciencia y Tecnica
- Moral-Callejón, Serafín
(1998) Sistemas Expertos Probabilisticos: Modelos Graficos (pags 1 - 40) - Sistemas Expertos Probabilisticos, Coleccion Ciencia y Tecnica
- Huete-Guadix, Juan Francisco
(1998) An Intelligent Decision System for Jaundice Management in Newborn Babies (pags 133 - 144) - Applied Decision Analysis - ISBN: 0-7923-8250-1
- Ríos-Insua, Sixto / Bielza-Lozoya, Concha / Gómez-Olmedo, Manuel / Fernández-Del Pozo,Juan Antonio
(1998) Belief Change Rules in Ordinal and Numerical Uncertainty Theories (pags 311 - 392) - Handbook Defeasible Reasoning and Uncertainty Management Systems. Vol 3: Belief Change
- Dubois-,Didier / Moral-Callejón, Serafín / Prade-,Henri
(1998) Aggregation of Imprecise Probabilities (pags 162 - 188) - Aggregation and Fusion of Imperfect Information - ISBN: 3-7908-1048-7
- Moral-Callejón, Serafín / Sagrado-Martinez, Jose Del
(1997) Aggregating Imprecise Probabilities (pags 162 - 188) - Aggregation of Evidence under Fuzziness
- Moral-Callejón, Serafín
(1995) Uncertainty Management Using Probability Intervals (pags 190 - 199) - Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 945 - ISBN: 3-540-60116-3
- Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De / Huete-Guadix, Juan Francisco / Moral-Callejón, Serafín
(1995) Approximations of Causal Networks by Polytrees: An Empirical Study (pags 149 - 158) - Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 945 - ISBN: 3-540-60116-3
- Acid-Carrillo, Silvia / Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De
(1995) Heuristic Algorithms for the Triangulation of Graphs (pags 98 - 107) - Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 945 - ISBN: 3-540-60116-3
- Cano, Andrés / Moral-Callejón, Serafín
(1995) Axiomatic Treatment of Possibilistic Independence (pags 77 - 88) - Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 946 - ISBN: 3-540-60112-0
- Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De / GEBHARDT-,JORG / Kruse-,Rudolf
(1995) Independence Relationships in Possibility Theory and Their Application to Learning Belief Networks (pags 119 - 130) - Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Artificial Intelligence, Cism Courses and Lectures 363 - ISBN: 3-211-82713-7
- Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De
(1994) Calculus with Linguistic Probabilities and Beliefs (pags 133 - 152) - Advances in the Dempster -Shafer Theory of Evidence
- Lamata-Jimenez, Maria Teresa / Moral-Callejón, Serafín
(1993) Independence Concepts in Upper and Lower Probabilities (pags 85 - 96) - Uncertainty in Intelligent Systems - ISBN: 0-444-81508-2
- Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De / Huete-Guadix, Juan Francisco
(1993) Using Bayesian Algorithms for Learning Causal Networks in Classification Problems (pags 49 - 59) - Uncertainty in Intelligent Systems - ISBN: 0-444-81508-2
- Molina-Soriano, Rafael / Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De / Mateos, Javier
(1993) Propagation of Convex Sets of Probabilities in Directed Acyclic Networks (pags 15 - 26) - Uncertainty in Intelligent Systems - ISBN: 0-444-81508-2
- Verdegay-López, Juan Francisco / Moral-Callejón, Serafín / Cano-Ocaña, José Enrique
(1993) Learning Causal Polytrees (pags 180 - 185) - Lecture Notes in Computer Science 747 - ISBN: 3-540-57395-X
- Huete-Guadix, Juan Francisco / Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De
(1993) Learning Non Probabilistic Belief Networks (pags 57 - 64) - Lecture Notes in Computer Science 747 - ISBN: 3-540-57395-X
- Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De / Huete-Guadix, Juan Francisco
(1992) On the Bayesian Approach to Learning (pags 544 - 547) - Operations Research'91 - ISBN: 3-7908-0608-0
- Acid-Carrillo, Silvia / Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Molina-Soriano, Rafael / Pérez de la Blanca Capilla, Nicolás
(1992) Some Results on the Automatic Construction of Bayesian Networks (pags 540 - 543) - Operations Research'91 - ISBN: 3-7908-0608-0
- Acid-Carrillo, Silvia / Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Molina-Soriano, Rafael / Pérez de la Blanca Capilla, Nicolás
(1991) Representación y Uso del Conocimiento Incierto mediante Redes Causales (pags 205 - 222) - Algunos Aspectos del Tratamiento de la Información en Inteligencia Artificial - ISBN: 84-338-1420-6
- Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De
(1991) Learning with Castle (pags 99 - 106) - Lecture Notes in Computer Science 548 - ISBN: 3-540-54659-6
- Acid-Carrillo, Silvia / Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De / Gonzalez-Muñoz, Antonio / Molina-Soriano, Rafael / Pérez de la Blanca Capilla, Nicolás
(1991) Updating Uncertain Information (pags 58 - 67) - Lecture Notes in Computer Science 521 - ISBN: 3-540-54346-5
- Moral-Callejón, Serafín / Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De
(1990) Fuzzy Measures with Different Levels of Granularity (pags 134 - 146) - Progress in Fuzzy Sets and Systems - ISBN: 0-7923-0730-5
- Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De / Moral-Callejón, Serafín
(1990) Transforming Fuzzy Measures (pags 146 - 158) - Approximate Reasoning Tools for Artificial Intelligence. J.L. Verdegay y M. Delgado (Eds.). Verlag Tuv Rheinland, Isr Series, No. 96 (1990) - ISBN: 3-88585- 776-6
- Lamata-Jimenez, Maria Teresa / Moral-Callejón, Serafín / Verdegay-Galdeano, Jose Luis
(1990) Upper and Lower Probabilities (pags 113 - 122) - Systems Analysis and Computer Science
- Lamata-Jimenez, Maria Teresa / Moral-Callejón, Serafín
(1988) Logical Connectives for Combining Fuzzy Measures (pags 11 - 18) - Methodologies for Intelligent Systems 3 - ISBN: 0-444-01461-6
- Campos-Ibañez, Luis Miguel De / Lamata-Jimenez, Maria Teresa / Moral-Callejón, Serafín
Sistemas de Recomendacion (pags 475 - 510) - Recuperacion de Informacion un Enfoque Practico y Multidisciplinar - ISBN:
- Castells-Azpilicueta, Pablo / Huete-Guadix, Juan Francisco